Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 1416

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1416. They came to me and searched into those things which were in my memory, and when the various places where I had been - the streets, houses, churches and the like - were brought forth, they did not want to know about them, but at once skillfully and dexterously called forth what had been done in those places. So they called forth everything that had happened when I was there, but did not dwell upon the appearance of the place, the house, the church, and like things which relate to place. This is usually the case with man, so that when a place is remembered the things that happened there are at once recalled; thus in man the things, as it were, connected with places are wont to be present to the memory but are not within it. These spirits, therefore, skillfully passed over the places, and at once aroused the things with which they were delighted. It was also said that it is not granted them to regard places, nor material and consequently corporeal and worldly things, but they immediately pass over such things and attend only to those which are real. Hence it could later be observed that they were from another earth, because they were not willing to attend to worldly, corporeal and similar things, but only to things done. Since it is otherwise on our earth, where men are delighted with corporeal, worldly and like things, they were therefore more ready than our spirits, and quickly ran through [the things in my memory].

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