Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 1388

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1388. THAT THE SAME SPIRIT WAS DESERTED BY HIS COMPANIONS Afterwards his deformed face appeared and thus it was evident that he was of such a character, for the face is the index of the mind. Before this they had supposed that he was favored with a face full of majesty. He was therefore despised by those with whom he had previously been, and was deserted by his companions. Thus he was carried away to the right, a little above the head, and so to the lake, a little downwards, by a slight declivity.* 1748, Mar. 15. * Apparently one of the apostles. See Index (s.v. Apostoli): "One of them, whose face was deformed about the end of his life, was despised and deserted by his companions, and carried away to the lake; nos. 1388, 1377."

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