1370. Wherefore the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Lord and is sent by the Lord, and thus is the Lord's. That the holiness with angels and spirits is the Lord's proprium, and that the proprium of an angel and of a spirit is evil and unclean, is evident from many things. Many experiences concerning this fact have been adduced. Man is never holy, save he who acknowledges that holiness is the Lord's, not his own. He who does not acknowledge this is profane in the least and in the greatest things: this is the proprium of man, thus of his spirit, and even of an angel. But he who makes this acknowledgment has imputed to him the Lord's holiness through faith. This faith is not of the man, spirit or angel, for it is of the Lord, but since through it he is styled holy and called sanctified or holy, it is evident that the holiness of the spirit termed holy is of the Lord alone.
[1370a.] CONCERNING THE PUNISHMENT OF VASTATION OF THOSE WHO ARE OF AN ELATED MIND [animus], TRUST IN THEMSELVES, AND THUS ARE UNWILLING TO ACKNOWLEDGE INTERIOR AND MORE INTERIOR VERITIES, UNLESS DERIVED THROUGH THEM AS IF FROM THEMSELVES The state of such spirits in the other life was represented by what was seen as regards a certain spirit, which is to be observed through the three following pages.* * This paragraph was added in the margin alongside the heading. The three following pages in the manuscript include nos. 1373-1388.