Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 1331

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1331. Moreover, angels who are sent back into the state of their bodily life and become spirits do not know what they have done in heaven, not remembering such things, and therefore doubting both that they are in heaven and that they enjoy heavenly life and joy. In order, therefore, that the apostles might know that they were in heaven, an angel spoke with them through [in] me until they had been restored to the heavenly life. In this way they, as spirits, could observe this, and at the same time could thence know not only that they were in heaven, but also how much happier that life was than the life of a spirit and that of the body. During the time the angel was talking with them and they were being affected with heavenly joy, they said that it was a happiness greater than they could ever declare, thus that there was no comparison, as I now perceive from them for they are not willing that a comparison should be made, because it is impossible. In this way it was recalled to their remembrance which is granted to few that they are in heaven, and that their joy on account of the life of the body which they so much loved when they lived as spirits [is comparatively nothing]; for then they want to know all the things which are here written, and to pass judgment on them, and this from a habit acquired during their lives in the world. 1748, Mar. 13.

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