Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 87

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87. [87.] When I spoke with the people on the second mountain, citing something from the Word, I perceived a reverence emanating from them. As, for example, when I said that the Lord was conceived of Jehovah, and that for that reason He called Him Father, and that it is because of that that He is the Son of God, and that therefore the Divine is in Him; moreover, that the Lord could for that reason glorify His whole body, so that the element of the body which is cast off by those who are born of human parents and decays, in His case was glorified and became Divine from the Divine in Him, and He rose with it, leaving nothing in the tomb, differently from what happens in the case of any other person. They listened attentively, and said they were surprised that they had not heard such things before.

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