Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 78

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78. [77.] The two surrogate Muhammads were once taken up into heaven because that was their desire, and they then spoke with me from there. They said that from where they were they saw countless elements in one idea of thought, which they had believed when they were beneath heaven to be a single unit. This took place in order that they might know how the Lord leads a person, namely, by countless elements which in his natural state appear to a person as a single entity, when in fact each one has in it elements beyond description. It may be compared to a tiny little organism which to the naked eye looks like a single, indistinct dot, but which when viewed under a fine microscope is nevertheless a creature endowed with appendages, and also organs, and having within it muscles, fibers, heart, brain, and many other components. So it is with any single idea of a person's thought. Consequently, no one knows but the Lord alone what the character of a person's thought and affection is, or how much living quality he has in him, that is, how much heaven; for a person has in him from the Lord as much humanity as he has heaven. This is what the two Muhammads learned by their elevation into heaven.

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