Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 68

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68. [67.] Ignatius.* Ignatius was in front, above. He was a good spirit. He said that he disliked the fact that he had been canonized, considering himself vile. He detested their making people saints. He knows about the Jesuits, even calling them atheists, and said that he shuns them. * St. Ignatius of Loyola (born Inigo Lopez de Loyola), 1491-1556, Spanish soldier and ecclesiastic; founder of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). (Cf. Spiritual Experiences [interim] n. 4571, from which this passage was drawn and where he is called "father of the Jesuits.") Ignatius laid the foundations of the Society of Jesus in 1534, when he and six others, among them Francis Xavier, made vows of chastity and poverty, intending to devote themselves to lives of piety and defense of apostolic Christianity. In 1537 the seven were ordained priests, and in 1540 the Society was formally sanctioned by Pope Paul III, Ignatius becoming its first general. He was canonized in 1622.

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