Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 362

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362. [298.] Zinzendorf* heard all of these things that the Moravians said in conversation with this and the previous apostolic church, and he lamented, saying, "I do not know why I became of such a character in the world." And seeing that there was nothing for those Moravians but hell, he grieved. [301.] The Moravians said that they would not convert and join those apostolic Christians, because to do so would distress them and bring misfortune upon them. * Count Nikolaus Ludwig Graf von Zinzendorf, 1700-1760, a German reformer and organizer of the Moravian Church. Zinzendorf proclaimed a "religion of the heart," based on an intimate fellowship with the Savior, whose Person, conceived as Creator, Sustainer and Redeemer of the world, completely dominated his theology. Though forced by circumstances to separate from the Lutheran Church, he continued to maintain a close connection with it. Widely traveled, he founded Moravian communities in the Baltic provinces, Holland, England, the West Indies, and North America.

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