Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 357

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357. To the extent a person refrains from evils as sins, to the same extent his spiritual mind is opened. - To the same extent his life becomes spiritually moral. - To the same extent he is in heaven, thus in the Lord, and the Lord in him. - To the same extent he comes into the light of heaven, thus into an affection for truth for the sake of truth. - To the same extent he is regenerated and becomes regenerate. - To the same extent the order of his life is turned around and he does good from the will, and only apparently from his intellect. - To the same extent he is purified by truths. - To the same extent hereditary evil is removed. - To the same extent he grows in intelligence and wisdom. - Cite a number of other, similar consequences from the heavenly doctrine where it describes what is accomplished by truths. - That this takes place progressively, and continues on to eternity. - To the same extent he has faith.

[The manuscript contains an empty page here.]

[An entire sheet is missing from the manuscript here.]* * See Translator's Remarks.

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