Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 355

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355. [350.] On the Delight Arising from the Acclaim of Being Wise and the Delight of Commanding, Etc.

I have seen several times that when spirits were caught up in a love of ruling, they behaved like fools, believing at the time that they were wiser than others. But when their state changed and they were returned to the governance of their intellect, they then saw that they were fools, but that they preferred the former delight which was foolish, and that it drew them constantly to foolishness, which they saw when in the enjoyment of that delight as nothing other than wisdom, so that they alternated between the two states. And yet their intellect could not lead them back, but their will led. (Relate a number of particulars from personal experience on this subject, from experience with Charles XII,* Benzelius,** and others-manifest evidence that the will acts upon the intellect, and not the intellect upon the will.) The circumstance is such that they are turned by the Lord to the governance of their intellect by an influx of light into their voluntary faculty, and that they are turned by hell to the delight of their will. * Lived 1682-1718, king of Sweden 1697-1718. ** Probably Jacob Benzelius, a Swede, 1683-1747, Archbishop of Uppsala 1744-1747 (see Spiritual Experiences, nos. 5004ff, 5074, 6033, 6034); but perhaps Eric Benzelius, his father (see Spiritual Experiences, no. 6034).

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