Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 350

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350. [343.] I heard some spirits saying that they do not know but that to do good is to refrain from evil. But they received the reply that nevertheless they refrain from evil only by not doing it then, but that they still do not hate evil and are not averse to it as a sin, except to the extent that they fight against it. Evil is removed by combat, and good then follows, which is to say, the devil is removed by combat, and the Lord then enters. To do good without fighting against evil is to do so only outwardly and not inwardly, whereas to fight against evil and thus to do good is to do good inwardly. A person does not become spiritual except through combat. Some people of this kind who have been honest, just, and chaste, and have not fought against dishonest, unjust, and unchaste inclinations, are brought into combats after death; and it becomes clearly apparent then to what extent they did good from self or out of concern for self, or did so from the Lord, and through combats they are reformed.

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