Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 323

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323. [315.] However, the statements we have made so far regarding degrees and atmospheres are for the most part theoretical. Yet all theoretical conclusions must be drawn from and based on empirical observations, and also verified by them. Unless the observations of experience guide a person's hand, so to speak, he may be deluded in his theoretical speculations, and from a premise seized on in his imagination or imaginary assumption he may easily be borne through a series of conclusions into falsities entirely contrary to the truth-falsities which he may then confirm by fallacious and deceptive appearances of every kind. For falsities can be confirmed by deceptive and fallacious appearances, even to the point that a person believes them to be absolute truths. I would therefore like to present now some observations of experience, on the evidence of which not only are the preceding assertions confirmed, but from which also everyone possessing a mental light or acumen may form conclusions in regard to many other considerations.

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