Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 321

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321. [313.] It should be known, however, that the atmospheres arising from the sun of heaven, which is the Lord, are properly speaking not three but six-three above the sun of the world and three below the sun of the world. The three below the sun of the world constantly accompany the three natural atmospheres, and they enable a person in the natural world to think and feel; for atmospheres arising from the sun of the world do not have any life in them, because they arise from a sun which is nothing but fire, whereas atmospheres arising from the sun of heaven, which is the Lord, do have life in them, because they arise from a sun which is pure love and pure wisdom. The atmospheres arising from the sun of the world, which is nothing but fire, cause those things which exist on earth and in the human body to continue in existence and to be held together in connection, and not to change except in accordance with the laws of natural order. That is the reason for the difference between things in the natural world and things in the spiritual world, a difference concerning which more will be said in the following paragraphs.

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