Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 31

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31. [30.] I later saw Melanchthon among a number of others who, because of their faith alone, were in a place where they are separated, each heading for the place where his kind of life is found. And I heard then a voice speaking to them from heaven, saying that that faith saves no one, because it has no life in it and no truth. They asked therefore what truth is and what life is. They received the reply that truth and life lie in living according to the commandments of the Decalogue, as in not stealing, that is, in not acting dishonorably or unjustly; in not committing adultery; in not killing, thus in not burning with deadly hatred or vengeance against anyone; in not bearing false witness, thus in not lying or blaspheming; that whoever does not do these things because they are sins has life, and afterward is granted many truths as to what evil is and what good is; and that no one else can be led by the Lord and be saved. One knows from this, they were told, that life and truth are one, as love and faith are, because life is connected with love, and truth with faith.

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