Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 270

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270. 6) That faith without charity is not possible. That faith without charity is not religion. That faith without charity falsifies the Word. That faith without charity wholly blinds any understanding of truth. That the church comes to an end when there is no faith teaching charity. That every church degenerates into Babylon* and into faith alone. That faith separated from charity is predicted in the book of Revelation and is meant by the dragon and its two beasts.** That faith without charity is meant by the he-goat in Daniel*** and the goats in Matthew.**** That faith without charity is meant by Philistia. That faith without charity is meant by Cain. That faith without charity is meant by Reuben. That faith arising from charity and also faith without charity is meant by Peter. That charity is meant by James, and works of charity by John. * A reference to Babylon in the book of Revelation (Revelation 14:8, 16:19, 17, 18), by which is depicted the final state of the Roman Catholic Church. ** Revelation 12, 13, 14:9-11, 15:2, 16:10-13, 19:19, 20, 20:2-4, 10. *** Daniel 8. **** Matthew 25:32,33.

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