Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 174

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174. [174.] 39. Many of those who are caught up in faith alone and have committed no principle of truth and goodness to life-because they rejected wholly any moral life from a spiritual origin, saying that it does not matter and that evils do not condemn, that the Lord fulfilled the law for them and took away damnation, and that they cannot do good of themselves, still less fulfill the law-[after death] become rebels and introduce various scandals against the Lord, as happens with all who have not lived their religion, even if they did not entertain evil thoughts about the Lord when they were in the world. They were examined and found to have committed no principle of truth and goodness to life, having only some knowledge from the Word which was like any other piece of information, possessing no vitality. They also then appeared without clothing, for garments symbolize truths of life, and at that point they understood absolutely nothing, not even what is right and just. They were told that they had lived without religion, and were cast into a gulf in the south and so removed.

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