Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 172

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172. [172.] 37. All those people were preserved who in the world acknowledged the Lord's Divinity and refrained from evils as sins-especially those who acknowledged His Divine Humanity and turned to Him. But the rest who thought of the Lord as an ordinary man were rejected as Socinians* and Arians,** being at first beneath the heavens just above the hells, and afterward in the hells. * Disciples of Laelius Socinus (born Lelio Francesco Maria Sozini), 1525-1562, and his nephew Faustus Socinus (Fausto Paolo Sozzini), 1539-1604, who rejected a number of traditional Christian doctrines, as the Trinity, the Divinity of Christ, and original sin, and who held that Christ was miraculously begotten, and that salvation is granted to those who adopt Christ's virtues. ** Adherents of Arianism, a theological view based on the teachings of Arius (c. 250-336), who taught that Christ the Son was a created being, not consubstantial with God the Father, and thus not Divine.

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