Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 162

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162. [162.] Followers of the dragon were separated, many of whom had been priests in the world, who had confirmed themselves in faith separated from charity. They were explored in various ways, including by an examination of the back of the head in the light. Those who are merely natural and therefore infernal have at the back of their head an area that is foul, hollow, and nothing but bone. Such people are conveyed to places where the outward appearances which they had by arts induced upon their faces are taken away, and their faces are seen in accordance with their affections and consequent inner thoughts. The humanity in their faces then disappears and is replaced by a certain diabolical quality. Such people are explored also by being turned to the east and so to the Lord, and a spiritual affection from the Lord then flows in from there; and they instantly turn around to the west, like a sinew twisted and springing back. That is also how angels explore new spirits coming into their heavenly societies.

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