Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 116

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116. [117.] I was led through several regions in front of me toward the left. After that I saw a large palace, having a spacious courtyard. Someone spoke with me there, saying that a revelation had been promised and that he was awaiting it. Moreover, a luminous glow appeared then surrounded by darkness, which was a sign that a revelation was now to be made. Then, as I was waiting attentively, I heard that the people were anticipating a revelation concerning the Christ, whom they call the one and only man, in consequence of whom every person is human. And then one of the angels spoke with them and instructed them concerning the Lord, telling them that He is the one and only God. They said that they perceived this, but not as yet that He was born a man; but after having been instructed by angels they understood this, too, saying that it happened for the salvation of the human race. They knew in addition many other things about heaven and hell, things of which Christians are unaware. I was told that they were Africans. I was afterward led from there toward the right, where I heard people saying that they had awaited a revelation, and that angels from the Lord were now speaking with them and instructing them about the Lord, with the promise that they would receive the doctrine of heaven. These people said that it had to have happened that God, the creator of the universe, should appear in the world, because He created them and loves them, and that this appearance had to be made even to the sight of the eyes in human form.

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