Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 102

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102. [102.] Some Observations Regarding Papists

The Pope who was pontiff in the year 1738* and who at the end of his life was then blind the same, while the Last Judgment was going on, lived at a height near a city in the northern zone, and I saw him at that time brought out, seated on a litter and carried, and conveyed into a secure place. Now because everyone after death is led first to his own religion and only afterward is withdrawn from it as far as possible, therefore Papists also seek the Pope, on which account someone is always set over them who takes on the name and function of Pope. The aforementioned pontiff served in this capacity for a long while after that; but when he noticed that he had no power to forgive sins or to open heaven, and realized that that power was Divine and so the Lord's alone, he therefore began to turn away from that doctrine and afterward to abhor it, and he resigned from that position and took himself among Christians who worship only the Lord, and he is with them in heaven. I have spoken with him quite often, and he calls himself blessed to have embraced those truths and to have removed himself from an idolatrous religion. He has told me that he entertained similar thoughts in the world, and that he acknowledged in heart that the Word was holy and that the Lord should be worshiped; but he could not then recant, he said, for reasons which he also enumerated. * i.e., Clement XII (born Lorenzo Corsini), 1652-1740, Italian ecclesiastic, pope 1730-1740.

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