96. The implications of the statement that Jehovah God 'breathed into his nostrils' are as follows: In ancient times, and in the Word, the nostrils meant something that was pleasing by virtue of its odour, which means perception Consequently one reads many times of Jehovah 'smelling an odour of rest' from burnt offerings and from the things which represented Him and His kingdom. And since matters of love and faith are most pleasing to Him, it is said that He breathed the breath of life' through his nostrils. This is why Jehovah's Anointed, who is the Lord, is called 'the-Breath-of-nostrils', Lam 4:20. And this was what the Lord Himself meant by breathing on His disciples, in John,
He breathed and said, Receive the Holy Spirit. John 10:22.