7688. 'And the land was darkened' means that falsity was introduced where there had been truth. This is clear from the meaning of 'darkness' as falsities, dealt with in 1839, 1860, 4418, 4531, so that 'being darkened' is being subject to falsity. And since the vastation of those who belonged to the Church, had a knowledge of truths, but led an evil life, are the subject 'the land was darkened' means falsity where there has been truth. Truth is meant in the internal sense by 'light', and therefore falsity is meant by 'darkness'; for truth and falsity are opposites like light and darkness. And those guided by truth dwell in actual light, whereas those under the influence of falsity dwell in actual darkness. The inferior light which those under the influence of falsity in the next life dwell in turns into thick darkness at the presence of the superior light of heaven, and into even thicker darkness with those who have belonged to the Church, because their falsity has stood in opposition to the truth of faith, as accords with the Lord's words in Matthew,
If the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness! Matt 6:23.
And in the same gospel,
The sons of the kingdom will be thrown into outer darkness. Matt 8:12.
'The sons of the kingdom' are members of the Church, and 'outer darkness' is more serious falsities, the term 'outer' being used because falsities in the outermost parts are more serious ones.
[2] The fact that falsities are called 'darkness' is clear from a number of places in the Word, for example in John,
Light has come into the world, but men preferred darkness rather than light, for their works were evil. John 3:19.
In the same gospel,
Walk, as long as you have the light, lest darkness overtakes you. I have come as light into the world in order that all who believe in Me may not remain in darkness. John 12:35, 46.
In Isaiah,
Woe to those who speak of evil as good, and of good as evil, who put darkness for light, and light for darkness! Isa 5:20.
In Jeremiah,
Give glory to Jehovah your God before He brings darkness and before your feet stumble on the twilight mountains; then you will look for light but He will turn it into the shadow of death, He will place it in thick darkness. Jer 13:16.
In Ezekiel,
When I have blotted you out, I will cover the heavens and darken their stars. I will cover the sun with a cloud, and the moon will not give its light. All the bright lights in the heavens I will make dark over you, and I will put darkness over your land. Ezek 32:7, 8.
In Joel,
The day of Jehovah is coming, it is near, a day of darkness and thick darkness, a day of cloud and gloom. Joel 2:1, 2; Amos 5:18, 20.
In Zephaniah,
A day of wrath is that day, a day of ruin and devastation, a day of darkness and thick darkness. Zeph 1:15.
In these places 'darkness' means falsities. In addition 'darkness' in the Word means lack of knowledge of the truth, such as exists with gentiles who do not have the Word and know nothing about the Lord.