Arcana Coelestia (Elliott) n. 7356

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7356. 'And into your ovens, and into your kneading bowls' means into delights belonging to evil desires. This is clear from the meaning of 'ovens', since they are what bread is baked in, as forms of exterior good (forms of exterior good being those which exist in the natural and are as a general rule called delights; for when forms of interior good, which are offshoots of [heavenly] kinds of love and resulting affections, pass into the natural they are experienced as delights there, and these delights are meant in a good sense by 'ovens') or in the contrary sense, in which 'ovens' is used here, as delights belonging to evil desires, that is, delights springing from hellish kinds of love, which are self-love and love of the world; and from the meaning of 'kneading bowls' too as delights belonging to evil desires in the natural, but even more external ones since kneading bowls are the vessels in which the dough is prepared when bread is made. Another way of saying that reasonings will enter into delights belonging to evil desires is to say that it will be the delight of their life to use reasonings arising from falsities to deceive others and lead them astray. Indeed the evil take very great delight in spreading falsities around, proving that they are well-founded, mocking truths, and especially leading others astray.

[2] The fact that 'an oven' means delight belonging to affections that go with charity and faith, and in the contrary sense delight belonging to evil desires that go with selfish and worldly love, is evident in Hosea,

They are all committing adultery, like an oven heated by a baker; the raisera ceases from kneading his dough When like an oven they transformb their desire (animus) while they lie in wait, their baker being sleepy all night, in the morning it is burning, like a flaming fire. All become hot, like an oven, and devour their judges; all their kings fall. Hosea 7:4, 6, 7.

'Oven' stands for delight belonging to evil desires, which are evil people's desires. 'Burning', 'becoming hot', and 'flaming fire' stand for the desires themselves, 'fire being the desire for evil, see 1297, 1861, 2446, 5071, 5215, 6314, 6832, 7324 (end). 'They devour their judges; all their kings fall' stands for the fact that they destroy forms of good and truths. Anyone may see that without the internal sense in which such things are meant nobody can know what 'they are all committing adultery, like an oven heated by a baker' is, or 'all become hot, like an oven, and devour their judges', and 'their kings fall'.

[3] 'Oven' is used in the good sense in Isaiah,

The saying of Jehovah, whose hearth is in Zion, and His oven in Jerusalem. Isa 31:9.

'Zion' stands for the celestial Church, thus for the good of love, which is the good of this Church, 'Jerusalem' for the spiritual Church, thus for the good of love in this Church, which is the good of charity and consequently of faith, while 'oven' here stands for more internal delight belonging to affections for goodness and truth. 'Oven' has this meaning because the bread which is baked in an oven means the good of celestial and spiritual love, for which meaning of 'bread' see 276, 680, 2165, 2177, 3464, 3478, 3775, 3813, 4211, 4217, 4735, 4976, 5915. And as 'oven' receives its meaning from this, the bread called a minchah that was baked for sacrifices in an oven was distinguished from the minchah baked on a griddle, and from the minchah baked in a covered pan, Lev 2:4, 5, 7. Different forms of the good of love were meant by these varieties of minchah.


a Whether the raiser means stirrer of the fire or raiser of the dough is not clear.
b lit. convert

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