6774. 'And he dwelt next to a well' means an eagerness there for the Word. This is clear from the meaning of 'dwelling' as leading a life, dealt with immediately above in 6773, here an eagerness belonging to that life; and from the meaning of 'a well' as the Word, dealt with in 2702, 3424. The Word is sometimes called 'a well', at other times 'a spring'. When it is called 'a well' the Word as to its literal sense is meant, but when it is called a spring' the Word as to its internal sense is meant, 3765. Here Moses is said to dwell 'next to a well' because the Word as to its literal sense is what is meant. For that sense is the first that those people have who are being regenerated and making progress towards God's truth - the people who are the subject here in the internal sense. Furthermore people who are guided by the truths that go with simple good, who are meant here by 'Midian', are not interested in any sense other than the literal.