Arcana Coelestia (Elliott) n. 6100

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6100. 'And went out from before Pharaoh' means a temporary separation. This is clear from the meaning of 'going out' as becoming separated, in this case separated for a time from the natural, where factual knowledge represented by 'Pharaoh' resides. The situation with the meaning of 'going out' as becoming separated is this: Previous sections have dealt with the joining of spiritual good from the natural, which is 'Israel', and also of the Church's truths in the natural, which are 'his sons', to the internal celestial, which is 'Joseph'. But the actual joining to the natural has not yet been effected, only an introduction into it. What will now follow below, at verses 17-27, deals with that actual joining together - see Contents, 6059, 6060. Thus it is that 'Jacob went out from before Pharaoh' means a temporary separation.

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