Arcana Coelestia (Elliott) n. 5714

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5714. There was a spirit who during his lifetime had been very much an adulterer. His greatest delight had lain in committing adultery with many women, whom he instantly cast aside and detested after committing it; and he had continued in such ways even in old age. In addition he had been given to sensual pleasures and was unwilling to treat anyone well or render any service other than for his own sake, especially for his adultery. This spirit was with me for several days; I saw him beneath my feet. And since the sphere emanating from his life was communicated to me, he caused wherever he went a painful feeling in my periostea and nerves, that is, in those in the toes of my left foot. Then, when he was allowed to leave those parts where he was, he caused painful feelings in particular in the periostea of my hips, also in the periostea in my chest below my diaphragm, as well as in my teeth, right inside them. While his sphere was at work it also caused severe stomachache

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