5395. There are some who live not for the sake of any useful service they may render to their country and its communities, only for themselves. They find no delight in the holding of offices, only in being honoured and respected, which is why they seek office. In addition they take delight in eating, drinking, games, and social intercourse, yet for no other reason than their own pleasure. In the next life these people cannot by any means remain in groups of good spirits, let alone among angels. For with good spirits and angels useful service is the source of their delight; and the services they perform determine the amount and the essential nature of the delight they receive. For the Lord's kingdom is nothing else than a kingdom of useful services. Since in an earthly kingdom the extent to which anyone is esteemed and honoured is determined by the useful purpose he serves, how much more must this be so in the case of the heavenly kingdom. Those who have lived solely for themselves and their own pleasure, without any useful purpose in view, are also beneath the buttocks; and in keeping with the types of pleasure they have sought and with their ends in view they spend their time in filth.