Arcana Coelestia (Elliott) n. 4241

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4241. 'The field of Edom' means truth derived from this, that is to say, from good. This is clear from the meaning of 'the field of Edom' as the Lord's Divine Natural as regards good to which truths, or matters of doctrine regarding truth, were joined, dealt with in 3302, 3322. Truths derived from this, that is, from good, are quite different from truths which are the source of good. Truths which are the source of good are those which a person takes to himself before regeneration, whereas truths which are derived from good are those which he takes to himself after regeneration. For after regeneration truths are the product of good since good is now the source of his perception and knowledge that they are truths. Such truth - truth which is the product of good - is that which is meant by 'the field of Edom', as also in the place quoted above from the Book of Judges,

O Jehovah, when You went forth from Seir, when You set out from the field of Edom. Judg 5:4.

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