3376. The internal sense of these two verses is that when Divine Truth flows in by way of rational concepts it produces appearances of truth and so causes good to be fruitful and truth to be multiplied, and by means of these the Lord joins Himself to angels and men. This overall meaning of the two verses cannot be seen from the initial explanation of them where the several meanings appear to be unrelated to one another, that is to say, from the following in 3366 - There was thought coming from the Divine about not resorting to facts but to rational concepts which, when enlightened from the Divine, are appearances of truth; and from this came instruction from the Divine, and an increase, and so good and truth, which are spiritual things by means of which the Lord is joined to the things that are in His Word. But those meanings which to man's eyes seem so unrelated to one another are nevertheless perfectly co-ordinated in the internal sense. And to angels' eyes, that is, in heaven, they appear and are perceived in a most beautiful sequence, accompanied indeed by angelic representations that occur in a heavenly form, and with indescribable variation. Such is the Word in every part in its internal sense.