2414. Verse 17 And so it was, when they were leading them away outside, that lone of the two] said, Escape for your life;a do not look back behind you, and do not halt in all the plain; escape into the mountain lest you are consumed.
'And so it was, when they were leading them away outside' means a state when they were to be withheld from falsity and evil. 'That lone of the two] said, Escape for your life' means that he was to be concerned about his life to eternity. 'Do not look back behind you' means that he was not to look to matters of doctrine. 'And do not halt in all the plain' means that he was not to linger over any one of these. 'Escape into the mountain' means towards the good that flows from love and charity. 'Lest you are consumed' means, if he did anything else he would perish.