1763. I have also heard a form of speech that involved many spirits speaking simultaneously. Roaring like waves, it passed into the brain in varying directions. Besides this there is a form of speech existing with certain spirits which has a fourfold rhythm, like the noise and sound of people threshing. These spirits are segregated from others. They induce pain in the head like that caused by the suction of a pump. I have heard some who spoke with a booming voice, yet as though inwardly, inside themselves; but it nevertheless reached my hearing as speech.
[2] Others whom I heard spoke by belching forth words as if from their belly. These are such as are unwilling to pay any attention to the sense of a thing, but are compelled to speak through others. I have heard some who spoke with a rough sound split in two, so to speak. They came up to my left side beneath the elbow, and also up to my left ear. I have also heard some who could not speak loudly enough to be heard, but were like those who have a heavy cold. They belong to those spirits who, by worming their way into the delights of others, extract their secrets from them for the purpose of doing harm.
[3] There are spirits, small in stature, who though few in number nevertheless speak like a huge crowd, sounding like thunder. I once heard them overhead and thought there was a large crowd of them, but one of them at that point came to my left side below the arm and spoke in like manner with a voice that thundered. He also moved away and did the same thing. Where such spirits come from will in the Lord's Divine mercy be described elsewhere. But these kinds of speech are quite rare. It is remarkable how these many forms of speech are heard as loudly and clearly by one whose interior organs of hearing have been opened, and also by spirits, as the sounds and speech of men on earth are heard. But by one whose interior organs have not been opened they are not heard at all.