1370. That these things are meant would take too long to explain in detail, for one would have to give a detailed explanation of the kinds and derivatives of forms of idolatry. These cannot be known except from their opposites, that is, from the profanation of certain things, such as the profanation of the celestial things of love, and of the spiritual things of love, also of rational ideas deriving from these, and lastly of factual knowledge. These things when profaned constitute the genera and species of forms of idolatry. This does not include forms of idol worship, which are external forms of idolatry, and which are able to be joined to affections for what is good and true, and so to charity, as is the case with gentiles who lead charitable lives one with another. Interior forms of idolatrous worship are meant by the external forms of idolatrous worship in the Word. The births and generations, and also their marriages, which are marriages of evil and falsity, are exactly like those blood relationships and marriages described in verse 27 and in the present verse.