The sun there, which we see as a star, is fiery-coloured as it appears to them; it is barely a quarter of the size of our sun. Their year consists of roughly 200 days, and a day consists of 15 hours
when compared with a day's length on our planet. The planet itself is one of the smallest out in space, its circumference being scarcely 500 German milesa. The angels stated these things on the basis
of comparisons made with like objects on our planet which they saw in me, that is, in my memory. They deduced those things with the aid of angelic ideas, by which they know exactly, in an instant, how
long according to one system of measurement any interval of space or time is in other systems used elsewhere. In matters such as these, angels' ideas, which are spiritual, are immensely superior to those
of people in the world, which are natural.
a A German mile is the equivalent of 4.6 English miles or 7.4 kilometres.