10433. 'And Moses sought to entreat the face of Jehovah' means that the Lord in mercy remembered. This is clear from the representation of 'Moses' as the Word, as immediately above in 10432; from the meaning of 'the face', when it has reference to Jehovah, as Mercy and all Goodness, dealt with in 222, 223, 5585, 7599, 9306, 9546; and from the meaning of 'entreating' as remembering or calling to mind. For when 'Moses' is used to mean the Word, 'entreating' does not mean entreating; rather it means that which is in agreement with what is said to entreat, in this instance in agreement with the Word. As regards 'Jehovah', in the Word the Lord is meant by Him, see in the places referred to in 9373.