Arcana Coelestia (Elliott) n. 10097

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10097. 'And it shall be a heave offering from among the children of Israel from their peace-offering sacrifices, it is a heave offering to Jehovah' means reception in the heavens and in the Church, and acknowledgement that they are the Lord's alone. This too is clear from what has been shown above in 10093. The words 'from peace-offering sacrifices' are used because worship offered in freedom is meant by those sacrifices; for peace-offering or eucharistic sacrifices were voluntary ones, and voluntary offerings are those which a person gives in freedom. That which is done out of love, and so because the will desires it, is said to be 'free'; for what a person loves, that he wills. The Lord flows into the person's love, thus into his will, and enables him to receive what he receives in freedom; and what he receives in freedom, that too becomes free. The person loves it, and consequently it becomes part of his life. From this it is evident what worship offered in freedom, meant by 'peace-offering sacrifices' or voluntary ones, is. It is also evident what is meant by a heave offering from those sacrifices, namely the fact that they are the Lord's alone.

All worship in general is meant by 'sacrifices', see 6905, 8936, 10042. A person's freedom belongs essentially to what he loves, 2870-2893, 3158, 4031, 7349, 9096, 9585-9591.

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