309. The Lord has all Power in the Heavens and on, Earth. The whole heaven is the Lord's, nos. 2751, 7086. And He has all power in the heavens and on earth, nos. 1607, 10089, 10827. Since the Lord governs the whole heaven, He also governs all things which depend thereon, and thus all things in the world, nos. 2026, 2027, 4523, 4524. He also governs the hells, no. 3642. The Lord governs all things from the Divine through the Divine Human, nos. 8864, 8865. The Lord governs all things according to Divine order and Divine order has relation to those things which belong to His will, to those which take place from leave, and to those which happen from permission, nos. 1755, 2447, 6574, 9940; concerning Order, see what is said above at no. 279. The Lord governs the last things from the first, and the first from the last; and on that ground He is called the First and the Last, nos. 3702, 6040, 6056. The Lord alone has the power of removing the hells, of withholding from evils, and of keeping in good, and thus the power of saving, no. 10019. Judgment belongs to the Lord, nos. 2319-2321, 10810, 10811. What the Lord's priestly office is, and what His regal office, nos. 1728, 2015.