75. An attempt was made to find out what kind of idea they hold when they are speaking and thinking, while they ask the Father to be merciful for the sake of the Son. It was perceived that they held an idea quite repugnant to the doctrine of faith and to the Word. Namely, they are thinking of the Father, and the Son they think of as an ordinary man who suffered the cross. As a result they entirely separated the Son from the Father, placing Him below. Because the question was then asked how at the same time they thought regarding the Divine of the Lord, it was seen that they think nothing about It or else they think of It as one with the Father, offered for the sake of the Human or the Son. If they think in any other way, they implore the Divine above, placing the Human as separate. In a word, it is clearly contrary to the doctrine of Athanasius that the Divine and the Human is one Person, thus that the Human is also with the Father and one with the Father, which cannot be thought unless the Human is also Divine. For the Father is the Infinite, Uncreate, Omnipotent God, neither can the Human truly be, and be one substance with the Divine of the Father unless the Human also be Divine.