Athanasian Creed (Harley) n. 213

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213. When the Church was being established by the Lord, the primary thing was to acknowledge and to receive Him, acknowledging that it was He of Whom the Word of the Old Testament told and that He was God and could do all things. Therefore He so often said, "Believe ye that I am able?" [Matt. 9:28]. Again, "Because thou believes"," and "Let it be done according to thy faith" [Matt. 9:29], that is, according to the belief that the Lord was God, Who could do all things, or was all powerful. This was primary. For without that faith there was no salvation, because all things are from Him. Through that confession and faith from the heart there is conjunction, without that there is not conjunction and so no salvation. The same conditions exist today when a new Church which is called the New Jerusalem is being established and when its doctrine is being taught. The primary thing is to know and believe that the Lord is the only God from Whom is all salvation. It is for this reason that this is now taught. This is the purpose of the present work. For without that faith no one comes into the New Church nor receives anything of its doctrine. Therefore, without that faith, no one henceforth can be saved. For henceforth it is not allowable to believe in three equal gods and speak of one, nor to think, as so many do, of the Human of the Lord as separate from the Divine.

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