Athanasian Creed (Harley) n. 178

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178. The Divine Proceeding, indeed, is such that in things greatest and least, it is Man. For such as it is in the greatest, so it is in every least thing, and so in nature where the Divine Proceeding is in ultimates. For all things were so created that affection which is of good, or love which is of good, or good which is of affection and love, clothes itself with what is human in the several degrees from first to last. Hence it is that angels are human forms. The same is the case in nature, hence there, too, the human form. This arcanum has hitherto been unknown in the world. That there is such a disposition in the several degrees, namely, that affection clothes itself with a body, and this from the Divine Proceeding, is for the reason that, what proceeds from the Lord proceeds from the single things of His body, interior and exterior. It is in consequence of this that the Divine Proceeding is the Lord in the heavens, and is called the Son of Man and also the Paraclete and the Holy Spirit. From this it is clear what His omnipresence is. Because affection and love put on that human form in every heaven or in every degree, it follows that the Human which is put on is Divine Truth, and that they are in the Divine Proceeding and are truly men who are in love and in truth therefrom. Hence, also, love is the complex of all truths, love being the "esse" (or inmost being) whose "existere", (or manifestation) is human in form, in every particular of which must be the "esse" from love.

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