362. (iii) A person's zeal depends upon the nature of his love, so it is different if his love is good or if it is evil.
Since zeal is a product of love, it follows that its nature is the same as that of love. There are in general two kinds of love, the love of good and so of truth, and the love of evil and so of falsity. So there are in general two kinds of zeal, that for good and so for truth, and that for evil and so for falsity. However, it should be known that either love exhibits infinite variety. This is plain to see from the angels of heaven and the spirits of hell. In the spiritual world both of these are forms of their own love; yet there does not exist a single angel in heaven identical with another, in face, speech, walk, gestures and behaviour; nor is there any such spirit in hell. In fact, such an identity cannot ever come into being, however much tens of thousands are multiplied together. It is obvious from this that there are infinite varieties of love, because their forms are so too. The same is true of zeal, since this is a product of love; namely, it is impossible for one person's zeal to be absolutely similar or identical with another's. In general, there is the zeal of a good love, and the zeal of an evil love.