129. (x) The church is from the Lord, and is present with those who approach Him and live in accordance with His commandments.
No one nowadays denies that the church is the Lord's, and being the Lord's that it comes from Him. The reason the church exists with those who approach the Lord is that in the Christian world His church is based on the Word; and the Word is not only from the Lord, but is so in such a way that it is the Lord. In it Divine truth is combined with Divine good, and this too is the Lord. This is precisely what is meant by the Word being with God, and being God, the source of life and light to men, and becoming flesh (John 1:1-14). Furthermore its presence with those who approach the Lord is because it is present with those who believe in Him, believing that He is God the Saviour and Redeemer, Jehovah our righteousness, the gate by which the sheepfold, that is, the church, must be entered; that He is the way, truth and life; that no one comes to the Father except through Him; the Father and He are one; and many more things He teaches. No one, I repeat, can believe these things without approaching Him, since He is the God of heaven and earth, as He also teaches. Ought anyone else to be approached? and can anyone else be approached? His presence with those who live in accordance with His commandments is because linking is only possible with such people. For he says:
He who keeps my commandments and does them, he it is who loves me; and I will love him and make my dwelling with him. He, however, who does not love me does not keep my commandments. John 14:21-24.
Love is linking, and linking with the Lord makes the church.