Arcana Coelestia (Potts) n. 9478

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9478. Verses 8, 9. And let them make for Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell in the midst of them. According to all that I show thee, the form of the Habitation, and the form of all the vessels thereof, even so shall ye make it. "And let them make for Me a sanctuary," signifies a representative of the Lord, and thus of heaven; "that I may dwell in the midst of them," signifies the consequent presence of the Lord in the representative church; "according to all that I show thee, the form of the Habitation," signifies a representative of heaven where the Lord is; "and the form of all the vessels thereof," signifies a representative of all the celestial and spiritual things that are from Him; "even so shall ye make it," signifies a sure and genuine representative.

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