9077. Then he shall give the redemption of his soul. That this signifies the grievous things of repentance, is evident from the signification of "redemption," as being to give something else in its stead, in order that there may be liberation. (What "redemption" is in its various significations, see n. 2954, 2959, 2966, 6281, 7205, 7445, 8078-8080.) That here by "the redemption of the soul" are signified the grievous things of repentance, is because liberation from damnation is here treated of, and man cannot be liberated from damnation except by the removal of evil, and the removal of evil is not effected except by actual repentance, which is of the life; and these things take place by means of spiritual temptations, which are "the grievous things of repentance." (That liberation from damnation, or what is the same, liberation from sins, is the removal of evil, and that this is effected by repentance of life, see n. 8389-8394, 8958-8969; and that then there are temptations, n. 8959-8969.)