8915. And the voice of the trumpet. That this signifies the same things through heaven, namely, Divine truths from good, is evident from the signification of "the voice of the trumpet," as being the state of the angelic heaven encompassing the Divine, and as being truth Divine therefrom (see n. 8815, 8823); from which it can be seen what is signified by the words of the Lord where He foretells concerning the consummation of the age, or the last time of the church, that then the Lord shall send His angels with a great voice of a trumpet, who shall gather together His elect from the four winds (Matt. 24:31). He who does not know that all the words of the Lord have stored up within them also heavenly and Divine things, that is, that there is in them an internal sense, will believe that when the Last Judgment is at hand, angels will appear, and will announce it, and will also gather together the elect with the voice of a trumpet. But that by "the voice of a trumpet" is not there meant the voice of a trumpet, but truth Divine in the internal form through heaven, and the evangelization thereof, see n. 4060, 8815, 8823.