7984. Was thirty years and four hundred years. That this signifies the quality and state of these, is evident from the signification of "thirty," as being a full state of remains, for this number is the product of three and ten multiplied together, and by "three" is signified a full state (n. 2788, 4495, 7715), and by "ten," remains (n. 576, 1906, 2284); what a full state is shall be told presently; and from the signification of "four hundred," as being the duration of vastation (n. 2959, 2966), and the consequent conjunction of good and truth (n. 4341). (That all numbers signify things and states, and that a compound number has a similar signification to that of the simple numbers of which it is compounded, see above, n. 7973.) [2] As regards the vastation which is signified by "four hundred years," it is twofold, namely, the vastation of evil and falsity, and the vastation of good and truth. With those who are being damned it is the vastation of good and truth; but with those who are saved, it is the vastation of evil and falsity. Vastation is deprivation. That the evil who had been of the church were vastated as to all good and truth, has already been shown; for the successive degrees of vastation were signified by the plagues in Egypt. But the good are vastated as to evil and falsity; with them these are successively separated, that is, rejected to the sides, and goods and truth are brought together toward the midst. This collecting together of good and truth is meant by "remains;" and when they have a full state of remains, they are then raised into heaven. This state is that which is signified by "thirty," and the vastation by "four hundred." The vastation of evil and falsity, and the instilling of good and truth, with the good, are effected by means of infestations, and by means of temptations. By the one, falsities and evils are removed; and by the other, goods and truths, are put on; and this even until the state becomes full. [3] It must also be told briefly what a full state is. Everyone, whether damned or saved, has a certain measure which is capable of being filled. The evil, or they who are damned, have a certain measure of evil and falsity; and the good, or they who are saved, have a certain measure of good and truth. In the other life this measure is filled with everyone; but some have a greater measure, some a less. This measure is acquired in the world by means of the affections which are of the love. The more anyone has loved evil and the derivative falsity, the greater is the measure he has gained for himself; and the more anyone has loved good and the derivative truth, the greater is his measure. The limits and degrees of the extensions of this measure are clearly seen in the other life, and cannot there be surmounted, but they can be filled, and also actually are filled, namely, with goods and truths in the case of those who have been in the affection of good and truth, and with evils and falsities in the case of those who have been in the affection of evil and falsity. Hence it is evident that this measure is the faculty gained in the world for receiving either evil and falsity, or good and truth. [4] This state is what is meant by a "full state," and is signified by "thirty." It is described by the Lord in the parables of the talents in Matt. 25:14-30, and of the pounds in Luke 19:12-27, and finally in these words:
To everyone that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance, but from him that hath not, even that which he hath shall be taken away from him (Matt. 25:29). He said unto them that stood by, Take away from him the pound, and give it to him who hath the ten pounds: they said to him, Lord, he hath ten pounds. I say to you, that unto everyone that hath shall be given; but from him that hath not even that which he hath shall be taken from him (Luke 19:24-26). That everyone's measure is filled, the Lord also teaches in another place in Luke:
Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, shall they give into your bosom (Luke 6:38). From all this it is now evident what is meant by a full state.