Arcana Coelestia (Potts) n. 7724

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7724. Your babe also shall go with you. That this signifies that they should worship from truth, is evident from the signification of "babe" here, as being truth; for by "babe" are meant boys, youths, young men, in a word, sons, by whom are signified whatever is of intelligence, thus truths (see n. 7668); and from the signification of "going with you," as being that they were to be left so that they may worship the Lord their God. It must be told what it is to worship the Lord from good, and what to worship from truth without good, which are here signified by "the flock and the herd that should stay," and by "the babe that should go." The veriest worship is from good through truth, for the Lord is present in good. But worship from truth without good is not worship, but only an external rite and act, without any internal; for truth without good is merely memory-knowledge. To make this memory-knowledge of faith, it must be conjoined with good, and then it passes into the internal man, and becomes faith. That faith without charity is not faith, has been frequently shown above. From this it is evident what is meant by worship from good, and what by worship from truth without good. By the good from which is worship, is meant the good of life, which has been made spiritual by conjunction with truth; for spiritual good has its quality from truth, and truth has its essence from good, so that good is the soul of truth. From this it is again evident what truth is without good-that it is like a body without a soul, thus is like a carcass.

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