7632. For I have made heavy his heart, and the heart of his servants. That this signifies that they all in general were determined, is evident from the signification of "making heavy," "making hard," and "making firm, the heart," as being to be determined (see n. 7272, 7300, 7305); and from the representation of Pharaoh, whose heart was made heavy, as being those who infest; and when it is said "he and his servants," all in general are signified, for the servants together with him constitute the household. Its being said that Jehovah "made heavy the heart of Pharaoh," in the internal sense signifies that Pharaoh made heavy his own heart. In ancient times, for the sake of the simple, all evil was attributed to Jehovah; and this because the simple could not know, and most of them could not comprehend, how that which came to pass could come from any other source than Jehovah; nor how it is to be understood that Jehovah permits the diabolical crew to occasion evil, and why He does not prevent it, when yet He has all power. As the simple could not apprehend this, nor scarcely even the intelligent, it was therefore said, as believed by many, that even evil had sprung from Jehovah. This is a common thing in the Word, the sense of the letter of which is in accordance with the faith of the simple. (That the evil which in the Word is attributed to Jehovah, is from man, see n. 2447, 6071, 6991, 6997, 7533.)