Arcana Coelestia (Potts) n. 6065

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6065. And their flocks, and their herds. That this signifies the interior and the exterior goods of truth, is evident from the signification of "flocks," as being interior goods, and of "herds," as being exterior goods (see n. 5913, 6048). The reason why the goods of truth are signified, is that spiritual good, which is represented by Israel, is the good of truth (n. 4598). The goods which are in heaven and with man are from a double origin, namely, from an origin in the will and from an origin in the understanding. In the good that originates in the will were the most ancient people who were of the celestial church, but in the good that originates in the understanding were the ancient people who were of the spiritual church. In the former good are they who are in the inmost or third heaven, but in the latter good are they who are in the middle or second heaven. What and of what nature is the difference has been frequently told in these explications. The good which originates in the will is the good from which is truth; but the good which originates in the understanding is the good which is from truth, or the good of truth. In itself this good is nothing else than truth in act.

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