10703. He removed the veil until he went out. That this signifies a state of enlightenment then, is evident from the signification of "removing the veil," as being the appearing of the internal, for when the veil was removed, the faces and the shining of their skin appeared; and by the "faces" are signified the interiors; and by the "shining" is signified the light therefrom in the external. That the "faces" denote the interiors may be seen at the places cited in n. 9546; and that the "shining of the skin of Moses' faces" denotes the shining forth, or the light from the internal, in the external of the Word, n. 10691. It is said "light" because the light which illumines the internal of man is the Divine truth that proceeds from the Lord. That this is the light of heaven, thus the light from which angels and spirits see, and also that from which the man who is enlightened has perception and intelligence, may be seen at the places cited in n. 9548, 9684. It is said "light in the external of the Word from its internal," but there is meant light in the external of man from its internal when he is reading it, for the Word does not shine from itself except before the eyes of a man who is in light from the internal. Without this the Word is merely the letter. From this then it is evident whence came the shining of the skin of Moses' faces, and what this signifies in the internal sense.