Arcana Coelestia (Potts) n. 10382

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10382. I afterward spoke with these spirits at a distance; and I asked what became of those among them who are evil. They said that on their earth it is not allowable to be wicked; but that if anyone thinks and does what is evil, he is chided by a certain spirit who threatens him with death if he persists in so doing; and if he still persists, he dies by a swoon; and by this means the men of that earth are preserved from the contagion of evils. A certain spirit of this kind was sent to me, speaking with me as he does with them; and he also induced somewhat of pain in the region of the abdomen, saying that he does so to those who think and do what is evil, and whom he threatens with death. But this spirit was a chiding spirit. He stood behind my head, and from thence talked with me in a vibratory way.

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